neurolots  0.3.5
nlgeometry::ObjReaderTemplated< VERTEX > Class Template Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for nlgeometry::ObjReaderTemplated< VERTEX >:

Public Member Functions

void readMesh (MeshPtr mesh_, const std::string &fileName_, bool quadsToTriangles_=true) const
 Static method that fill the referenced mesh.
MeshPtr readMesh (const std::string &fileName_, bool quadsToTriangles_=true) const
 Static method that return a mesh pointer with the geometric data loaded.

Static Protected Member Functions

static std::vector< std::string > _split (std::string &s_, char splitter_)
static tIndex _splitStringToIndex (std::string &s_)
static void _objToVectors (const std::string &fileName_, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3f > &positions_, std::vector< Eigen::Vector3f > &normals_, std::vector< Eigen::Vector2f > &uvs_, std::vector< tFacet > &triangles_, std::vector< tFacet > &quads_)

Detailed Description

template<class VERTEX>
class nlgeometry::ObjReaderTemplated< VERTEX >

Definition at line 50 of file ObjReaderTemplated.h.

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